path | latency |
AD in to DA out as main L/R | 0,83ms |
AD in to DA out as aux, bus, direct out or monitor | 0,83ms |
AD in to aux DA out in any function | 0,83ms |
same but routed through a subgroup to main LR | 0,83ms |
same but with GEQ in any insert | 1,50ms |
same but using AD in on S16 stage box | 0,93ms |
same but using AD in to DA out on S16 stage box | 1,04ms |
aux in to DA out as main L/R | 0,85ms |
measurements have been made at 48kHz using pink noise and dual-FFT
desk was a X32 compact running firmware V1.15
in all cases the used "tap" (=position pre/post EQ or fader) was not relevant